Time Commitment & Cost

First Three Visits - Assessment Phase:

Couples or Marriage Counseling is generally not a covered service by commercial insurance. In addition, the service is not a diagnostic to either partner, although relationship health is a part of the discussion. Couple Connect LLC provides a service using evidence-based model of care, and and a relationship client can expect an episode of care to be an estimate of 6 to 12 sessions. The services are not insurance billable. The 6 to 12 visit estimate includes the first 3 assessment visits. 

Couple Connect LLC operates as a strictly cash pay service, and fees are set a or below the local market cash pay price. We do not offer payment plans, and fees are due prior to therapy visit – either online, or at the visit. Credit card or check are the only accepted methods of payment. There is a $35.00 service fee for any checks declined for non-sufficient funds.   

The clinical fee time does not include other materials that may be available to you through the Gottman website.

The first 3 visits or the “assessment phase” are 90 minutes in length and will focus on assessment, and relationship treatment planning. The first session is $190.00, which includes the Gottman Relationship Checkup fee, and the second two sessions are $160 each session. Both parties are expected to be present at each visit, except for the second visit which are individual interviews, which are 45 minutes for each individual visit. These can be scheduled at different dates and times but must be completed in advance of the third session. 

All follow up visits will be 90 minutes at $130.00. These visits will encompass results and feedback on the assessment, and include a written treatment plan. Follow-up visits will be for the couple’s ongoing skill building in real time, with current events or concerns, or other older relationship injuries. 

1st visit: $190.00, 2nd and 3rd visit $160 – Total: $510.00 

Assessment Phase is required in advance of session 4 Treatment Phase

Treatment/Counseling Phase

6-9+ sessions: $130.00 each visit

Cost Estimate: $780.00 to $1,170.00 

Total Estimate

Rough Estimate:  $1,260.00 to $1,650.00 

Please request your invoice to pay online. There is a 3% credit card transaction fee added.

For financial perspective separation and divorces rates are higher than ever with a cost estimate of over $10,000.00 in a contested divorce. This may or may not include family court costs for minor children, emotional hardship, and ongoing financial stress due to loss of a joint income. These are just some of the practical reason counseling at Couple Connect LLC makes sense.
